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Critically question the impacts of drug checking as a harm reduction response
Original research | 2021
Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Advocacy, About PWUD, Illegal drugs, Drug checking
This letter responds to the article by Reed et al. [1].
Letter | 2021
Evidence base
Very little is known about the value of UDS, the optimum screening frequency in general, or its specific use for buprenorphine treatment in primary care.
Original research | 2021
Clinical guidance, About prescribers, Outcomes, Substitution/OAT, Diversion
Tele-Harm Reduction (THR) is a telehealth-enhanced, harm reduction intervention, delivered within a trusted SSP venue.
Original research | 2021
About PWUD, Illegal drugs, Digital health
This paper explores both current barriers and potential facilitators for the implementation of Open Science and Citizen Science in substance use and addictions research.
Scoping review | 2022
Equity, About PWUD, Peer/PWLLE program involvement
This review synthesizes the literature on the perspectives and experiences of people who use drugs to better understand motivations and behaviors related to the extramedical use and diversion of bupre
Lit review | 2021
About prescribers, About PWUD, Substitution/OAT, Stigma, Diversion
Rates of injection drug use (IDU) of opioids have been consistently lower among Black people relative to Non-Hispanic White people despite rising IDU estimates.
Original research | 2021
Equity, About PWUD, Legal system/law enforcement, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT, Mental health
The primary aims of this report were to: 1. Describe the RMG program at the CACHC; 2. Describe the characteristics of clients participating in RMG through the CACHC; 3.
Report | 2020
Overdose, Evidence base, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Wrap-around services, Safer supply, Advocacy, About prescribers, Outcomes, Housing, Youth, Chronic pain
Update on the effects of Portugal's drug decriminalization policy
Report | 2021
Mortality, Policy/Regulatory, Decriminalization/legalization, Outcomes, Crime
Public health programming designed for this population is limited, particularly in comparison with programming for people who inject drugs.
Original research | 2017
Harm reduction, Illegal drugs, Stimulants
Little is known about childhood trauma exposure and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP).
Original research | 2021
Harm reduction, About PWUD, Chronic pain, Mental health
This study evaluated fentanyl buccal tablets for breakthrough pain in opioid-tolerant patients with chronic cancer pain.
Original research | 2007
About prescribers, Chronic pain
To synthesise published findings for treatment with supervised injectable heroin for refractory heroin-dependence through systematic review and meta-analysis, and to examine the political and scientif
Lit review | 2015
Evidence base, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs
Guidelines | 2021
Clinical guidance, About prescribers, Chronic pain
To compare the risk for all cause and overdose mortality in people with opioid dependence during and after substitution treatment with methadone or buprenorphine and to characterise trends in risk of
Lit review | 2017
Mortality, Harm reduction, About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT
Provide clinical guidance to ensure the uninterrupted access to OAT medications for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guidelines | 2020
Clinical guidance, Harm reduction, About pharmacists, About prescribers
Archived webinar | 2020
Safer supply, About PWUD
We aimed to compare the effectiveness of supervised injectable treatment with medicinal heroin (diamorphine or diacetylmorphine) or supervised injectable methadone versus optimised oral methadone for
Original research | 2010
Evidence base, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Advocacy, About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT
This manuscript describes basic functionality and general specifications of a cocaine-e-cigarette as a medical device treating people with respective cocaine use disorder when cessation and substituti
Original research | 2021
Harm reduction, Safer supply, Illegal drugs, Stimulants, Stigma

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