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The aim of the study is to present autopsy-based findings of the most prevalent opioids in overdose deaths in Norway from 2000 to 2019
Original research | 2022
Overdose, Mortality, Safer supply, About PWUD, Outcomes, Illegal drugs
This study deploys the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to understand what influences police intentions to make discretionary referrals to treatment and harm reduction resources rather than arrest on
Original research | 2021
Social services, Legal system/law enforcement, Illegal drugs, Transitions in care/treatment, Stigma
Examine during- and post-prison outcomes among people prescribed OAT
Commentary | 2022
Harm reduction, Wrap-around services, About PWUD, Social services, Outcomes, Crime, Legal system/law enforcement, Substitution/OAT
Our objective was to assess prescription history in the context of postmortem toxicology among people who had a fatal illicit drug overdose in BC.
Original research | 2020
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Safer supply, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Stimulants
This study assessed the safety of subcutaneous slow-release depot buprenorphine in custody.
Original research | 2022
Outcomes, Legal system/law enforcement, Substitution/OAT, Diversion
The aim of this work was to understand (1) the perspectives of family physicians (FPs) as it relates to opioid prescribing, and (2) the perceived barriers and enablers to guideline-adherent opioid pre
Original research | 2019
Clinical guidance, Policy/Regulatory, Hesitancy of prescribers , Safer supply, About prescribers, Barriers and enablers, Chronic pain
We report evidence that study subjects probably medicated their ADHD symptoms with cocaine and describe a 1‐year treatment algorithm featuring long‐acting stimulants that was effective in the manageme
Original research | 1999
About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Stimulants
Cannabis legalization in many jurisdictions worldwide has raised concerns that such legislation might increase the burden of transient and persistent psychotic illnesses in society.
Original research | 2022
Policy/Regulatory, Mental health

The people who frequent the Integrated Care Hub (ICH) – its stakeholders – know best what they are experiencing and what they need.

Report | 2021
Overdose, Evidence base, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Wrap-around services, Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Equity, About PWUD, Social services, Barriers and enablers, Poverty, Housing, Crime, Legal system/law enforcement, Illegal drugs, Chronic pain, Indigenous, Small/medium cities, Stimulants, Sex/Gender , Stigma, Mental health
Examined racial/ethnic differences in US drug overdose mortality among US-born and foreign-born men and women.
Original research | 2022
Overdose, Mortality, Equity, Illegal drugs

During a COVID-19 outbreak in the congregate shelter system in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, a multidisciplinary health care team provided an emergency “safe supply” of pharmaceutical-grade medicat

Original research | 2022
Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, About PWUD, Social services, Outcomes, Poverty, Housing, Small/medium cities
Video | 2020
Overdose, Mortality, Policy/Regulatory, Decriminalization/legalization, Equity, Advocacy, About prescribers, About PWUD, Illegal drugs
This study explores the experiences of adults receiving extended-release buprenorphine (XRB) as a jail-to-community treatment.
Original research | 2022
About PWUD, Barriers and enablers, Legal system/law enforcement, Substitution/OAT
This study examines the relationship between hospital-based or initiated OUD services and the racial/ethnic composition of the surrounding community.
Original research | 2022
Equity, About PWUD, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT, Transitions in care/treatment, Hospitals
Handout | 2020
Harm reduction, Illegal drugs, Stimulants
Handout | 2020
Harm reduction, Illegal drugs, Stimulants
Traumatic injury frequently requires opioid analgesia to manage pain and avoid catastrophic complications. Risk screening for opioid misuse and the development of use disorder remains uninvestigated
Original research | 2022
Harm reduction, Hesitancy of prescribers , About PWUD, Outcomes, Chronic pain, Mental health, Hospitals
This study investigated the efficacy and safety of providing medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and individualized telehealth in Kentucky, a state severely impacted simultaneously by the opioid
Original research | 2022
About PWUD, Barriers and enablers, Outcomes, Poverty, Housing, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT, Digital health
In 2012, Spain adopted new legislation on opioid prescription (the ROE law), which meant that practitioners no longer needed to obtain extra authorisation in order to prescribe strong opioids.
Original research | 2021
Evidence base, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, About prescribers, Outcomes
Recent research suggests people living with HIV use cannabis for pain relief, including as an adjunct to opioids.
Original research | 2021
Decriminalization/legalization, Equity, About PWUD, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Chronic pain

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