Working Groups

We have a number of working groups.

Advisory Council

Purpose: Provide direction and feedback to the NSS-CoP Team.

Action for Safer Supply - People Who Use Drugs Working Group

Purpose: As a working group composed exclusively of people who use drugs, Action for Safer Supply advocates for expanded access to safer supply for people who use drugs across the country.

Completed activities: Recently, the working group developed and designed the Safer Supply, Opioid Agonist Treatment & Harm Reduction: National Advocacy Toolkit - now available online and for download. They also ran a three-day anti-shame campaign leading up to World AIDS Day 2022 on December 1st called #NoShameNovember30 - learn more here!

Recommendations for Clinical Guidance Working Group

Purpose: Using evidence, existing guidelines, and lived experience, create recommendations for guidance to support safer supply prescribing.

Access to Pharmaceuticals Working Group

Purpose: Clarifying what pharmaceuticals are available in the various regions across Canada, producing a list of what pharmaceuticals should ideally be available for safer supply, and describing how the current system of pharmaceutical approvals works.

Program Operations Meeting

Purpose: Connect program administrators/coordinators/managers/service providers to discuss program operations, identify successes and challenges, share information and resources, and provide support.

Pharmacy Working Group

Purpose: Connect pharmacy staff to share information about safer supply from a pharmacy perspective. Share experiences and resources, and identify gaps, needs, and areas for advocacy.


Are you interested in joining our monthly meeting? Email Rebecca to let us know! rebecca [at] (rebecca[at]lihc[dot]on[dot]ca).