What We Do

The National Safer Supply Community of Practice (NSS-CoP) aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, skill-sharing, and capacity building to scale up Safer Supply and support Safer Supply programs and prescribers across Canada.

This knowledge exchange initiative is led by London InterCommunity Health Centre (LIHC) in partnership with the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs (CAPUD), the Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy, and the Alliance for Healthier Communities. We have joined forces to provide the best services possible through this collaborative approach.

The work of the NSS-CoP is grounded in a harm reduction, anti-oppressive and anti-racist frameworks, and anchored on core values of dignity, inclusion, community, social justice, courage, persistence, and hope. 



Recordings of our webinars are available and there is a list of upcoming events (usually, anyone can register).


Members receive our monthly newsletter, with resources, events, and other news of interest.

Social media

Follow us on X, Instagram, and Facebook for up-to-the-minute news from us and from others involved in the Safer Supply community.

Connecting, collaborating, and convening

Learning from each other

This is not a teaching space, but rather a space where healthcare and social service providers and people with living and lived experience exchange information, including clinical experiences, program and operational experiences, and client experiences.

We hold weekly drop-in calls where members can ask and answer questions, share information about safer supply practices, and discuss current issues.

Our working groups address practical and policy issues such as diversion and interdisciplinary teams.

We have affinity groups for people in similar roles, such as people who use(d) drugs, program managers, prescribers, and pharmacists.

Interested in connecting with others in some way we haven’t covered here? Drop us a line in either English or French at info [at] nss-aps.ca (info[at]nss-aps[dot]ca) or through our Contact form. 

Prescriber mentoring

New prescribers can connect with more experienced providers for support and to learn from clinical experiences. 

All health care providers can register for our discussion group for health care providers.

Curating and creating

We are building a searchable safer supply resource and literature collection. The Community of Practice is also developing our own knowledge exchange resources.

Keep in touch

Interested? Questions? Ideas? You can reach us in both English and French at info [at] nss-aps.ca (info[at]nss-aps[dot]ca) or through our Contact form.