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This study aimed to identify barriers and facilitators of implementing drug checking services with spectrometry devices in an urban harm reduction organization and syringe service program serving e

Original research | 2022
Harm reduction, Wrap-around services, Drug checking, Legal system/law enforcement
Commentary | 2022
Policy/Regulatory, Equity, Decriminalization/legalization

We sought to further quantify the risk of anomalies after opioid analgesic exposure during the first trimester in a population-based cohort study.

Original research | 2022
Sex/Gender , Illegal drugs, About PWUD, Parents/caregivers

In Ontario, Canada, substance use is common among youth, yet treatment is underutilized, suggesting the potential for an unmet need in terms of substance use care.

Original research | 2022
Social services, Youth, Stigma

St. Paul's Hospital opened a nurse-led OPS in February 2021. This paper describes the steps leading to the implementation of the nurse-led OPS, its impact, and lessons learned.

Original research | 2022
Hospitals, SCS/OPS, Illegal drugs, Wrap-around services, Harm reduction, Overdose

We aimed to identify and characterize patients receiving safer supply immediate-release hydromorphone (IRH) and their prescribers in Ontario.

Original research | 2022
Evidence base, Safer supply, Advocacy, About PWUD, Outcomes, Mortality, Transitions in care/treatment

Describing substance use practices and elucidating correlates of concurrent use can inform harm reduction service provision and prevent overdose events.

Original research | 2022
Overdose, Policy/Regulatory, About PWUD, Youth, Illegal drugs, Stimulants

This manual was created for providers working in residential community-based withdrawal management services (WMS) to standardize care, improve documentation and information sharing, and provide qui

Webpage | 2021
Withdrawal, About prescribers, Illegal drugs, Substitution/OAT, Stimulants, Harm reduction, Safer supply

Étant donné la nécessité d'une intervention efficace du système de santé pour réduire les méfaits liés aux substances, il est important d'examiner l'impact potentiel des nouveaux opioïdes synthétiq

Rapport | 2021
les drogues illégales, les services d'analyse de drogues, la réduction des méfaits

Given the need for effective responses of the health system to reduce substance-related harms, it is important to consider the potential impact of novel non-fentanyl synthetic opioids on opioid-rel

Report | 2021
Illegal drugs, Drug checking, Harm reduction
Page Web | 2021
la surdose, la mortalité, les services sociaux, les résultats, les drogues illégales, le sexe / le genre, les hôpitals
Guidelines | 2020
Clinical guidance, About pharmacists, About prescribers
Commentary | 2020
Harm reduction, Safer supply, About prescribers
Building upon an existing methodology and conceptual framework for estimating the association between the use of substances and crime, we calculated attributable fractions that estimate the proportion
Original research | 2021
Evidence base, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Advocacy, Crime, Legal system/law enforcement, Illegal drugs

Evaluation of Insite's impact on public order

Original research | 2004
Outcomes, Crime, Illegal drugs, Social benefits, SCS/OPS
Lit review | 2021
About pharmacists, About prescribers

Examine Insite's local effect on drug-related crime

Original research | 2006
Outcomes, Crime, Illegal drugs, SCS/OPS
The main goal of the EQUIP Pathways project is to improve care by reducing the substance use stigma and discrimination that people face in health care settings.
Webpage | 2021
Equity, About prescribers, Illegal drugs, Stigma, Hospitals
Commentary | 2018
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Advocacy, Legal system/law enforcement, SCS/OPS
Examine whether police response to 911 calls is a barrier
Original research | 2020
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, About PWUD, Legal system/law enforcement

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