
Bienvenue dans notre banque interrogeable de ressources et de documentation sur l’approvisionnement plus sécuritaire et autres sujets connexes.


Infographic | 2021
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Advocacy, Housing, Crime, Small/medium cities, Social benefits
Infographic | 2021
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Advocacy, Housing, Crime, Small/medium cities, Social benefits
We are now in the midst of what can only be described as a mass poisoning epidemic. As for any poisoning event, the response should be to provide an alternative to the poison
Commentary | 2020
Overdose, Policy/Regulatory, Hesitancy of prescribers , Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Advocacy, Illegal drugs, Injecting drugs
Advocate for safe supply and decriminalization
Commentary | 2018
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Decriminalization/legalization, Illegal drugs, Injecting drugs

Sought any relevant documentation, resources, or responses related to the overdose crisis to understand how social work as a profession has been responding and what we can learn to inform future re

Original research | 2020
Policy/Regulatory, Social services
One often cited concern is that naloxone provision could be associated with increased opioid use, due to the availability of naloxone to reverse opioid overdose.
Lit review | 2022
Evidence base, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Hesitancy of prescribers , About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs
Telehealth might be efficient for delivering care to incarcerated people in rural areas.
Original research | 2021
Harm reduction, Legal system/law enforcement, Rural/remote

Use focus groups to explore the idea of safe supply with PWUD

Report | 2019
Evidence base, Harm reduction, Safer supply, About PWUD, Peer/PWLLE program involvement, Sex/Gender
Letter | 2020
Hesitancy of prescribers , Safer supply, Diversion
The present study describes the association between 2 years of heroin treatment and improvements in health and social stabilization, as well as illicit drug use.
Original research | 2008
Evidence base, Safer supply, Advocacy, About prescribers, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Social benefits, Mental health
To determine whether supervised medical prescription of heroin can successfully treat addicts who do not sufficiently benefit from methadone maintenance treatment
Original research | 2003
Evidence base, Safer supply, About prescribers, Outcomes
This study sought to identify challenges surrounding peer programming in Ottawa and to provide realistic recommendations for reducing these barriers.
Original research | 2017
About PWUD, Workplace, Peer/PWLLE program involvement
Pharmacists Guidelines for risk mitigation in BC from Vancouver Coastal Health
Guidelines | 2020
Clinical guidance, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, About pharmacists, Stimulants, Substitution/OAT, Injecting drugs
As urban centers in the USA are tackling legal hurdles and community skepticism around the introduction and location of these sites, it becomes increasingly important to assess the magnitude of the ef
Original research | 2021
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Equity, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, SCS/OPS
Prescriber Guidelines for risk mitigation in BC from Vancouver Coastal Health
Guidelines | 2020
Clinical guidance, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, About prescribers, Stimulants, Substitution/OAT, Injecting drugs
To understand the most effective ways to deliver HR in pandemic situations so that guidance can be provided for current and future disruptions to service provisions
Lit review | 2020
Policy/Regulatory, Equity, Substitution/OAT
Commentary | 2020
Safer supply, Advocacy
Commentary | 2021
Policy/Regulatory, Decriminalization/legalization, About PWUD
I engage longstanding feminist, postcolonial, and post-structural philosophical debates that have queried the possibilities, limits, and conditions of drawing on experience as expertise, and apply the
Commentary | 2016
Advocacy, Peer/PWLLE program involvement

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