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This is a report from the government of Canada highlighting the emergence of Xylazine in the unregulated drug supply.
Constatations/points à retenir
Since 2019, there has been an increase in the number of Xylazine identifications in samples submitted to the DAS. 93% of samples containing Xylazine were in powder form. In 2022, 75% of samples containing Xylazine were submitted by law enforcement agencies in Ontario. 79% of Xylazine samples contained two to four co-occurring substances. Fentanyl was the most frequent co-occurring psychoactive substance, occurring in 93% of samples.
La conception ou méthodologie de recherche
This report is based on data from January 2012 to December 2022 made available by the the Drug Analysis Service (DAS) which regularly analyses suspected illegal drugs seized by Canadian law enforcement agencies and samples submitted by public health partners.