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Outlines key themes found among people who use drugs about their experiences with various health and social service agencies and providers in Whitehorse
Report | 2018
Clinical guidance, Wrap-around services, Equity, About prescribers, About PWUD, Social services, Barriers and enablers, Indigenous, Small/medium cities, Stigma

This report summarizes all unintentional illicit drug toxicity deaths in British Columbia (accidental and undetermined) that occurred between

Report | 2022
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Safer supply, About PWUD, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Small/medium cities, Sex/Gender

Étant donné la nécessité d'une intervention efficace du système de santé pour réduire les méfaits liés aux substances, il est important d'examiner l'impact potentiel des nouveaux opioïdes synthétiq

Rapport | 2021
les drogues illégales, les services d'analyse de drogues, la réduction des méfaits

Given the need for effective responses of the health system to reduce substance-related harms, it is important to consider the potential impact of novel non-fentanyl synthetic opioids on opioid-rel

Report | 2021
Illegal drugs, Drug checking, Harm reduction

Use focus groups to explore the idea of safe supply with PWUD

Report | 2019
Evidence base, Harm reduction, Safer supply, About PWUD, Peer/PWLLE program involvement, Sex/Gender
The primary aims of this report were to: 1. Describe the RMG program at the CACHC; 2. Describe the characteristics of clients participating in RMG through the CACHC; 3.
Report | 2020
Overdose, Evidence base, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Wrap-around services, Safer supply, Advocacy, About prescribers, Outcomes, Housing, Youth, Chronic pain
Update on the effects of Portugal's drug decriminalization policy
Report | 2021
Mortality, Policy/Regulatory, Decriminalization/legalization, Outcomes, Crime
Research project looking at ways of reducing drug users’ risk of overdose, conducted on behalf of the Scottish Government.
Report | 2008
Overdose, Harm reduction, About pharmacists, About prescribers, Social services, Legal system/law enforcement
Recommend best injection practices to reduce infections, while keeping risk in mind
Report | 2015
Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, Injecting drugs, SCS/OPS
To explore the efficacy and challenges of delivering low threshold substance use services within a community setting, with particular consideration of practitioner approaches
Report | 2016
Evidence base, Wrap-around services, About prescribers, Social services, Barriers and enablers, Outcomes
Présente une analyse comparative des quantités de matériel remis par les directions de santé publique aux 1 239 centres d’accès au matériel d’injection.
Report | 2021
Harm reduction, Outcomes, Illegal drugs, Social benefits
Process and outcome evaluation of the site's first six months
Report | 2019
Overdose, Harm reduction, Wrap-around services, Advocacy, About prescribers, About PWUD, Social services, Barriers and enablers, Outcomes, Crime, Illegal drugs, Drug checking, Stigma, SCS/OPS
Given the severity of the opioid crisis, there is urgency to evaluate tools that might reduce its impact and save lives.
Report | 2018
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Safer supply, SCS/OPS
The Global Drug Policy Index is a unique tool that documents, measures and compares national-level drug policies, providing each country with a score and ranking that shows how much their drug policie
Report | 2021
Policy/Regulatory, Equity
Update data from the 2020 preliminary report on opioid-related deaths before and during the pandemic
Report | 2021
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Advocacy, Housing, Illegal drugs, Workplace, Rural/remote, Stimulants, Sex/Gender
This briefing paper explores the question of Heroin Assisted Treatment (HAT), examines the growing body of evidence emerging from its clinical use in addiction therapies, and makes recommendations for
Report | 2010
Evidence base, Policy/Regulatory, Advocacy
Examination of suspected opioid-related deaths in Ontario before and during the pandemic
Report | 2020
Overdose, Mortality, Evidence base, Safer supply, Advocacy, Social services, Poverty, Housing, Illegal drugs, Sex/Gender
Report | 2021
Overdose, Harm reduction, Policy/Regulatory, Equity, Advocacy, About prescribers, About PWUD, Legal system/law enforcement, Illegal drugs, Youth, Chronic pain, Workplace, 2SLGBTQI+, Indigenous, Sex/Gender , Mental health

This manifesto builds on, and complements, the work of many other DTES organizations to empower themselves in setting up more equitable and ethical partnerships with researchers.

Report | 2019
About PWUD, Peer/PWLLE program involvement

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