“And this is the life jacket, the lifeline they’ve been wanting”: Participant perspectives on navigating challenges and successes of prescribed safer supply

Original research
Henderson, N., Marris, J., & Woodend, K.

Date de publication




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Open Access / OK to Reproduce


Évalué par des pairs



This study is based on an evaluation of a safer supply program (SSP) in a medium-sized urban centre with a large catchment area that includes rural and Indigenous communities. The aim of this research paper is to understand the challenges and successes of the nurse practitioner-led SSP from the perspective of program participants.

Constatations/points à retenir

Three overarching themes were the result of this analysis: feeling better, renewed hope, and safety. These three themes capture the experiences of participants in the SSP, including both the challenges and successes they faced.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Interpretive description was used to understand the experiences of 14 participants accessing a SSP. Each participant was interviewed using a semi-structured approach, and 13 of the interviewees also completed surveys accessed through Qualtrics. An iterative process using NVivo software was used to code interviews, and a constant comparative data analysis approach was used to refine and categorize codes to themes.

Mots clés

About PWUD
Barriers and enablers
Safer supply
Small/medium cities