Client experiences using a new supervised consumption service in Sudbury, Ontario: A qualitative study

Original research
Ali, Farihah et al

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We undertook a qualitative study exploring experiences among clients who used the consumption service inside The Spot.

Constatations/points à retenir

Administrative site utilization data highlighted a relatively stable increase in uptake and utilization of the site since its inception. A total of 20 clients participated in the survey and semi-structured interviews. Participants described the importance of the site in preventing and responding to overdoses, providing a safe and comfortable environment to consume their drugs, and decreasing public drug use, which they suggested may potentially reduce stigmatization in the community. However, clients also suggested challenges, including issues regarding site operational policies that hindered consumption room utilization. Service suggestions made by clients to improve site utilization include the addition of inhalation services, relocating the site to a location in downtown Sudbury where PWUD commonly congregate, and extending operational hours.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Brief survey plus semi-structured qualitative interviews (n=20)

Mots clés