Why do we focus on the exception and not the rule? Examining the prevalence of mono- versus polysubstance use in the general population

Original research
Bailey, Allen J. & R. Kathryn McHugh

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We measured the prevalence of mono-use versus polysubstance use (PSU) in those who used substances in the past year, those with at least two symptoms of an SUD and in those who received treatment for alcohol/drug problems in the past year.

Constatations/points à retenir

Of those who used substance(s) in the past year, 64% reported a mono-use pattern. Importantly, only 26% of those who had at least two symptoms of an SUD and 22% of those who received treatment for substance use reported a mono-use pattern. Although mono-use of drugs is common in the United States at the public health level, it is a much less common presentation than polysubstance use (PSU) among individuals of even mild substance use disorder severity.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from years 2015–19.

Mots clés

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