“They’re Just Watching You All the Time”: The Surveillance Web of Prison Needle Exchange

Original research
Michaud, Liam & Emily van der Meulen

Date de publication




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Open Access / OK to Reproduce


Évalué par des pairs



We examine surveillant functions of the Prison Needle Exchange Programs (PNEPs) through the first-hand experiences of thirty former prisoners who were incarcerated at one of the prisons with such a program.

Constatations/points à retenir

As a whole, the PNEP model implemented in Canada, and the practices that undergird it, target people who use drugs for increased surveillance, resulting in extremely low rates of program enrollment despite pervasive drug use in prison, and undermining access to an essential health care service to which prisoners are entitled. The study findings point to novel forms of carceral surveillance that enmesh observational, technological, and bureaucratic practices, and demonstrate how prisoner health and therapeutic objectives can be subsumed by securitarian logics.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Interviews (n=30)

Mots clés

Legal system/law enforcement
About PWUD
Harm reduction
Barriers and enablers