Imagine Safe Supply: Community Based Research

Original research
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC)

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Imagine Safe Supply is a community-based research project that explores ideas about participation in safe supply.

Constatations/points à retenir

Our intention in sharing this research is to contribute to awareness and dialogue on safe supply in a way that is destigmatizing; to network people using drugs, frontline organizations, prescribers, and policy makers around value-based understandings of safe supply; and to encourage people with decision-making power to listen and actively respond to the needs and perspectives of people using drugs. The page contains a summary of findings, research presentations, and more.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Between January and June of 2021, we interviewed 33 people who use drugs and frontline workers from across British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec about what they want and need for safe supply. The people leading this research include people who use drugs and frontline workers, as well as graduate students and staff of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition at Simon Fraser University. As a team, we co-designed and led every stage of the project, including research design, interviews, data analysis, and knowledge sharing. We carried out this work with the understanding that people who use drugs are closest to the problem of the toxic drug supply. We can’t move forward to find solutions without their vision and leadership.

Mots clés

Safer supply
Peer/PWLLE program involvement
About PWUD