The art and science of harm reduction and nursing practice

RNAO Webinar |

The Registered Nurses Association (RNAO) in partnership with in partnership with the Harm Reduction Nurses Association (HRNA), Community Health Nurses’ Interest Group (CHNIG), Mental Health Nurses Interest Group (MHNIG), MOMS Stop the Harm and the National Safer Supply Community of Practice (NSS-CoP). invite you to join us on June 20, 2023 for the webinar The art and science of harm reduction and nursing practice with special guest speakers:  

  • Erin Telegdi, RN, Hon. BA, Hon. BScN
  • Colin MacRae, Nurse-Therapist-Teacher

Objectives for this webinar are:

  • Learn how to develop a therapeutic relationship with people who use substances
  • Examine how therapeutic communication techniques can improve care in harm reduction settings
  • Understand the principles of brief intervention and motivational interviewing and how they are used to develop a therapeutic relationship
  • Understand the philosophy of care of nursing for use specifically in a harm reduction setting
  • Understand how to integrate therapeutic communication into your nursing practice to meet an individual where they are at

Harm reduction is a foundational component of nursing practice, rooted firmly in the social justice movement and has been proven effective time and time again across the health-care continuum. It involves policies, programmes and practices that aim primarily to reduce the adverse health, social and economic consequences of the use of legal and illegal psychoactive drugs without necessarily reducing drug consumption.

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