Qualitative study of patients’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors

Original research
Neale, Joanne, Stephen Parkin & John Strang

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This paper builds upon the concept of the ‘informed patient’ to explore individuals’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine.

Constatations/points à retenir

Participants’ decisions to initiate treatment were underpinned by receiving sufficient information to trust depot buprenorphine; current treatment not meeting their personal needs or goals; frequently uncritical perceptions of depot buprenorphine; and restricted access to depot buprenorphine making recipients feel grateful. Overall, participants said they had enough information and knowledge to decide they wanted depot buprenorphine. However, dissatisfaction with current ORT, desire for better treatment, and depot buprenorphine’s limited availability seemed to hinder informed decision-making. Whilst pharmaceutical products cannot solve the complex life problems often associated with opioid use disorder, we need to increase access to all ORT forms so that patients do not feel they have to rush into any medication without adequate preparation.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Qualitative study (n=26)

Mots clés

About PWUD
Transitions in care/treatment
Barriers and enablers