‘We don’t live in a harm reduction world, we live in a prohibition world’: tensions arising in the design of drug alerts

Original research
Volpe, Isabelle et al

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Here, we discuss the tensions that arose in the process of co-designing drug alert templates with health and community workers.

Constatations/points à retenir

We identified five key tensions. First, there is a need to provide comprehensive information to meet the information needs of a diverse group of workers with varying knowledge levels, while also designing alerts to be clear, concise, and relevant to the work of individuals. Second, it is important that alerts do not create ‘information overload’; however, it is also important that information should be available to those who want it. Third, alert design and dissemination must be perceived to be credible, to avoid ‘alert scepticism’; however, credibility is challenging to develop in a broader context of criminalisation, stigmatisation, and sensationalism. Fourth, alerts must be carefully designed to achieve ‘intended effects’ and avoid unintended effects, while acknowledging that it is impossible to control all potential effects. Finally, while alerts may be intended for an audience of health and community workers, people who use drugs are the end-users and must be kept front of mind in the design process.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Five in-depth digital co-design workshops (n=31 participants)

Mots clés

Harm reduction
Barriers and enablers
Drug checking
Illegal drugs
Peer/PWLLE program involvement