Social recovery in substance use disorder: A metasynthesis of qualitative studies

Lit review
Vigdal, Mariann Iren et al

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The aim here has been to identify and synthesise the qualitative research examining the process of social recovery from a first-person perspective and how social communities assist in this process.

Constatations/points à retenir

The persons in recovery emphasised communities that they perceived as being safe and non-stigmatising. These are qualities that contributed to positive self-change, and these communities were perceived as suitable arenas in which to confront responsibility and trust. Additionally, participants found that their relationship skills were improving due to the new social bonds forged in these communities. A sense of citizenship was gained along with a regaining of social dignity through voluntary work and giving back to soci

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Lit review, 18 articles met inclusion criteria

Mots clés

Wrap-around services
About PWUD
Social services
Barriers and enablers
Social benefits