A controlled-release oral opioid supports S. aureus survival in injection drug preparation equipment and may increase bacteremia and endocarditis risk.

Original research
Kasper, Katherine J. et al

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Hydromorphone controlled-release (Hydromorphone-CR) requires a complex technique for injection and therefore provides multiple opportunities for contamination. Hydromorphone-CR contains several excipients, which could enhance staphylococcal survival and increase risk of contaminating the injectate.

Constatations/points à retenir

14% of all cookers/filters used in the preparation of Hydromorphone-CR were contaminated with S. aureus. Hydromorphone-CR prolongs the survival of MRSA and MSSA in cookers/filters. Heating cookers/filters may be a harm-reduction strategy.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Used injection drug preparation equipment (cookers/filters) was collected from persons who inject drugs (PWID), rinsed with water, and plated on Mannitol salt agar. Bacterial isolates from bacteremic PWID were used to assess the survival of S. aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes on cookers/filters with Hydromorphone-CR, hydromorphone immediate-release (Hydromorphone-IR) or oxycodone controlled-release (Oxycodone-CR).

Mots clés

Harm reduction
Safer supply
Injecting drugs