A qualitative study on pharmacy policies toward over-the-counter syringe sales in a rural epicenter of US drug-related epidemics

Original research
Fadanelli, Monica et al

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While pharmacies have potential to be an easily accessible source of sterile syringes, research in cities has identified moral, legal and ethical barriers that preclude over-the-counter (OTC) sales to people who inject drugs (PWID). The current study builds on prior urban-based research by elucidating (1) pharmacy OTC policies and (2) pharmacists’ rationale for, and barriers and facilitators to, OTC syringe sales in a US rural area hard hit by drug-related epidemics.

Constatations/points à retenir

Most pharmacists operated “restrictive OTC” pharmacies (n = 8), where patients were required to have a prescription or proof of medical need to purchase a syringe. The remainder (n = 6) operated “open OTC” pharmacies, which allowed OTC syringe sales to most patients. Both groups believed their pharmacy policies protected their community and pharmacy from further drug-related harm, but diverging policies emerged because of stigma toward PWID, perceptions of Kentucky law, and belief OTC syringe sales were harmful rather than protective to the community.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

14 semi-structured interviews with pharmacists

Mots clés

Harm reduction
Hesitancy of prescribers
About pharmacists