Patient, medical and legal perspectives on reentry: the need for a low-barrier, collaborative, patient-centered approach

Original research
Pulitzer, Zoe et al

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Évalué par des pairs



To inform an intervention aimed at helping recently-released people with HIV and SUD, we conducted a qualitative study to assess barriers and facilitators to community reentry from the perspectives of diverse consumers and providers of medical, legal, and reentry services.

Constatations/points à retenir

1) Patients/clients emphasized psychosocial support and individual attitude more than medical and legal participants, who chiefly focused on logistical factors such as finances, housing, and transportation; 2) Patients/clients expressed both medical and legal needs during the reentry period, though medical providers and participants from legal entities mainly expressed concerns limited to their respective scopes of work; 3) All three participant groups underscored the need for a low-barrier, collaborative, patient-centered approach to reentry with the goal of achieving self-sufficiency.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

In-person interviews, n=15

Mots clés

Harm reduction
Wrap-around services
About PWUD
Social services
Legal system/law enforcement
Illegal drugs