The implications of COVID-19 for people who use drugs (PWUD)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

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Highlight emerging risks linked to the COVID-19 pandemic for people who use drugs and those providing services for them from a European perspective, and encourages the planning, review and adaption of frontline and specialist drug interventions.

Constatations/points à retenir

The document outlines the risks for people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic, including stigmatization and the high prevalence of concurrent medical conditions. It also highlights additional concerns relevant to many people who use drugs, such as potential increased risk of overdose, equipment sharing, crowded environments and disruption to access of drug services, clean drug-using equipment and vital medication. It recommends implementing prevention measures against transmission of COVID-19 in settings used by people who use drugs, such as discouraging drug or equipment sharing and the use of personal protective equipment. It also emphasizes the importance of continuity of care during the pandemic, which requires sufficient resources for services, including drug treatment services, staff protective measures and service planning, including for staff and medication shortages.

Mots clés

Harm reduction
About PWUD
Illegal drugs