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Évalué par des pairs
We aimed to address the gap in literature pertaining to MDMA-related harm reduction behaviour and harm experiences within the country.
Constatations/points à retenir
Those who reported experiencing harm (physical, psychological, spiritual, social) from MDMA, or another drug presumed to be MDMA, reported less frequent harm reduction behaviours than non-harmed consumers. Of KnowYourStuffNZ clients, 95.9% reported learning about harm reduction, and 53.3% reported changing their behaviour because of the service. Reasons for not using the KnowYourStuffNZ service were primarily lack of availability in local area (32.8%) or at relevant events (51.8%), and lack of concern with substance quality (29.8%). MDMA harm was reported by 14.4% of the sample, whilst reported harm was more common from consumption of presumably non-MDMA substances, self-reported as being mistaken for MDMA. Harm was primarily physical or psychological. Potential MDMA dependence was apparent in 6.9% of the sample.
La conception ou méthodologie de recherche
An online survey (915 respondents) was used to assess the harm reduction behaviours (e.g., limiting consumption, planning use, seeking information) of people who use MDMA, in addition to their use of reagent testing and the major national drug checking and harm reduction service, KnowYourStuffNZ.