Context of Substance Use: Harm Reduction and Safer Supply

Original research
Haines, Marlene, & Patrick O'Byrne

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To develop a better understanding of the context of drug use, we interviewed safer supply program participants in Ottawa, Canada.

Constatations/points à retenir

Overall, 2 major themes arose, which included 1) the historical and ongoing effects of trauma, and 2) a cycle of drug use that overwhelmed them. From this, a framework was created which depicts the context of substance use. Our research reinforced the importance of considering the historical and ongoing effects of trauma on the lives of people who use drugs when developing harm reduction and substance use programs. Further, participants found safer supply programs to be useful in disrupting a cycle of drug use they felt trapped in and allowed them a sense of autonomy regarding their drug use.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Data collection included semi-structured interviews which were analyzed thematically.

Mots clés

Safer supply
Harm reduction
Evidence base
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