‘I will play this tokenistic game, I just want something useful for my community’: experiences of and resistance to harms of peer research

Original research
Ross, Lori E. et al

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In this paper, we report on data from a participatory, qualitative research project focused on four intersecting communities often engaged in peer research: mental health service user/consumer/survivor; people who use drugs; racialized; and trans/non-binary communities.

Constatations/points à retenir

Many participants reported exposure to intersecting forms of systemic oppression (racism, transphobia, ableism, and classism, among others) and disparagement of their identities and lived experiences, both from other members of the research team and from the broader institutions in which they were working. Peer researchers described being required to perform academic professionalism, while simultaneously representing communities that were explicitly or implicitly denigrated in the course of their work. Practices of resistance to these harms were evident throughout the interviews, and participants often made strategic decisions to permit themselves to be tokenized, out of the expectation of promised benefits to their communities. However, additional harms were often experienced when these benefits were not realized.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Semi-structured interviews (n=34)

Mots clés

Peer/PWLLE program involvement