Barriers to engaging people who use drugs in harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study of syringe services program perspectives

Original research
Austin, Elizabeth J. et al

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We aimed to characterize the impacts of COVID-19 on syringe services program (SSP) operations in the United States approximately one year into the pandemic.

Constatations/points à retenir

One year into the pandemic, SSPs reported continuing to adapt approaches to syringe distribution in response to COVID-19, and identified multiple barriers that hindered their ability to engage program participants in services, including 1) isolation and decreased connectivity with participants, 2) resource restrictions that limit responsiveness to participant needs, 3) reduced capacity to provide on-site HIV/HCV testing and treatment linkages, and 4) changing OUD treatment modalities that were a “double-edged sword” for PWUD. Quantitative survey responses aligned with qualitative findings, highlighting increases in the number of syringes distributed, increases in mobile and home delivery services, and reductions in on-site HIV and HCV testing.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Semi-structured interviews & brief surveys (n=27)

Mots clés

Barriers and enablers