Drug Checking Services for People Who Use Drugs: A Systematic Review

Lit review
Maghsoudi, Nazlee et al

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Évalué par des pairs



We sought to identify and synthesize literature on the following domains: (a) influence of drug checking services on behaviour of people who use drugs; (b) monitoring of drug markets by drug checking services; and (c) outcomes related to models of drug checking services.

Constatations/points à retenir

Drug checking services appear to influence behavioural intentions and behaviour of people who use drugs, particularly when results from drug checking services are unexpected or drugs of concern. Monitoring of drug markets by drug checking services is well established in Europe and increasingly in North America. Concerns about drug contents and negative health consequences facilitate use of drug checking services; lack of concern, trust in drug sellers, lack of accessibility of drug checking services, and legal and privacy concerns are barriers to use.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Systematic review (n=90 studies included)

Mots clés

Harm reduction
About PWUD
Barriers and enablers
Illegal drugs
Drug checking