- Crackdown - Episode 29: Resign: There is a brand-new Crackdown Podcast episode available titled "Resign". Here is a brief description of the episode: "2,224 people died of toxic drug overdose in BC in 2021, says the Chief Coroner. How many months of fatal OD statistics have we seen since 2016? Fifty? Sixty? How many health and addictions ministers have passed through our lives as those numbers got bigger, only to move on after a few years? Enough. Politicians must face the music after another year of record-breaking overdose deaths. Since there’s no change, there must be consequences. Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Sheila Malcolmson and Minister of Health Adrian Dix must resign."
- Finding Community Finding Hope - Cassandra Smith and the Path to Empowerment: Getting to Tomorrow, a project of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, recently released a new video featuring Cassandra Smith, a Harm Reduction Specialist with the Black CAP. Here is a brief description of the video: "As lived experience and history will attest, simply providing services and expecting people to overcome the impact of years of systemic oppression and trauma is a narrow, inaccurate view of reality for thousands of people confronting barriers in life. True support is rooted in compassion, suspends judgment, is trauma-informed, and focuses on building an infrastructure of support around people that is responsive and holistic–in short, a 'community.' Cassandra Smith’s story is a powerful testament to the impact a community can have in uplifting, empowering, and changing lives for the better. By focusing on the person, rather than simply the services provided to them, we can build a system for success that is authentically rooted in the lived realities of those in need."