Bienvenue dans notre banque interrogeable de ressources et de documentation sur l’approvisionnement plus sécuritaire et autres sujets connexes.
Bienvenue dans notre banque interrogeable de ressources et de documentation sur l’approvisionnement plus sécuritaire et autres sujets connexes.
We conducted three independent studies on the expanded take-home dose (THD) exemptions to assess implementation and impact on patients and providers in three geographically diverse opioid treatment
This study aimed to describe changes implemented by programs prescribing pharmaceutical alternatives to the drug supply during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To describe the prevalence of incarceration among survivors of non-fatal overdose addressed through an emergency medical services (EMS) response, and compare incarceration by whether the emergency
This review aimed to evaluate the evidence base supporting the feasibility and clinical effectiveness of all forms of deprescribing initiatives used to discontinue long-term (≥4 weeks) benzodiazepi
Cette étude a permis d’analyser un large éventail de blessures et d’intoxications liées à la consommation de cocaïne seule et en combinaison avec d’autres substances au Canada, à l’aide des données
This study examined a wide range of injuries and poisonings related to cocaine only and in combination with other substances in Canada using sentinel surveillance data captured by the electronic Ca
The authors aimed to determine whether flexible take-home buprenorphine/naloxone is as effective as supervised methadone in reducing opioid use in prescription-type opioid consumers with opioid use
We used propensity score (PS) weighting methods to address two methodological questions: (1) Do disparities between sexual minority women (SMW) and heterosexual women persist when differences in ri
We know little about what mitigating effects medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) offered in jail might have on post-release ED utilization.
Lessons from early adopter programs may benefit clinicians and others looking to offer ED-initiated treatment for OUD.
Research suggests the practice of simultaneous co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids, often referred to as “goofballs”, is increasing.
We sought to characterize drug use behaviors of individuals following the overdose of someone in their social network.
It is important to understand how stigma is made in OAT and the political purposes that it serves, in order to change the relations of stigma and avoid the reproduction of stigma in the delivery of
The objectives of this paper are to describe the development, functionality, and accuracy of the Suspected Potential Overdose Tracker (SPOT) for predicting accidental drug overdose as the cause and